Belated Jubilation On The High Seas...
Yes indeedy... I feel strong enough finally to celebrate what we've done. I was exhausted for days afterwards (that and going back to work, but that's another story!).
As we were lazily finning around the Brighton Marina basin, the instructor was pointing out the various wildlife representatives, but I'm afraid I was more interested in the twisted debris and wreckage that was down there. It was like a building site! I was expecting to come across a battered white van with a badly tuned transistor radio blaring out BBC Radio 1 and a fifth, surrounded by the floating debris of sandwich packets and B&H cartons. And a garage door? Who throws one of those in a marina? Perhaps it was the secret escape hatch from Posiedon Boy's underwater kingdom... Perhaps not....
When you're diving, you can trim your buoyancy by taking deeper or shallower breaths, deep breath - go up, shallow breath - down. This all seems a bit tricky at first, but there's nothing like the sight of a rusty iron spike poking out of the mud, and you're going straight at it at what seems like 80 mph, to get the idea of it!
And where to now? Yes, the med sounds good... I (MALTA!) must (MALTA!) start (MALTA!) dropping (MALTA!) subtle (MALTA!) hints (MALTA!MALTA!MALTA!MALTA!)
Yes indeedy... I feel strong enough finally to celebrate what we've done. I was exhausted for days afterwards (that and going back to work, but that's another story!).
As we were lazily finning around the Brighton Marina basin, the instructor was pointing out the various wildlife representatives, but I'm afraid I was more interested in the twisted debris and wreckage that was down there. It was like a building site! I was expecting to come across a battered white van with a badly tuned transistor radio blaring out BBC Radio 1 and a fifth, surrounded by the floating debris of sandwich packets and B&H cartons. And a garage door? Who throws one of those in a marina? Perhaps it was the secret escape hatch from Posiedon Boy's underwater kingdom... Perhaps not....
When you're diving, you can trim your buoyancy by taking deeper or shallower breaths, deep breath - go up, shallow breath - down. This all seems a bit tricky at first, but there's nothing like the sight of a rusty iron spike poking out of the mud, and you're going straight at it at what seems like 80 mph, to get the idea of it!
And where to now? Yes, the med sounds good... I (MALTA!) must (MALTA!) start (MALTA!) dropping (MALTA!) subtle (MALTA!) hints (MALTA!MALTA!MALTA!MALTA!)
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