Accentuate the Positive
St. PADI spake unto his brethren:
frighten ye not the neophytes,
for they are not yet salted and wet
paint not dark visions for them
but sing them odes of excitement
bangest not on about sins of omission
rather show them the virtues of righteous action
that they may take with them wisdom in a light bundle
and not a heavy bale of foreboding.
frighten ye not the neophytes,
for they are not yet salted and wet
paint not dark visions for them
but sing them odes of excitement
bangest not on about sins of omission
rather show them the virtues of righteous action
that they may take with them wisdom in a light bundle
and not a heavy bale of foreboding.
St. Patrick on the other hand sayeth;
Pick holes in all that newbies do
scare them with tales of daring do
empty their heads and fill em with junk.
oobey doobey scooby doobey do
Jimbob, at 3:09 pm
Bet he didn't say that on St Patrick's day , well , he may have said the last line after a refreshment ot two!
Anonymous, at 9:07 pm
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