2 x clodmoor SS
Dives 50 and 51 bring us two sightings of the famed propeller. You could snap off a screw blade and use it as a surf-board, easy; but first you;d have to chisel off the quadrillion mussels lining the surface. They're sitting there so thickly that a two-hands-wide spider crab can slip itself inside the gaps between their serried ranks.
This wreck is upside down, at least down by the stern, and the prop is the "money shot". Finding it is a case of keeping the jagged, wall-like flank of the wreck to your right. The usual diveboat comments about not using a compass to find it apply - wrecks, metal, compass needles, etc. etc.
I briefly offered my torch handle to a young-ish lobster. It snapped and missed. A larger cousin later on simply declined and backed away. One day I'd like to sit down by a lobster, turn my torch off and watch it for the full extent of my dive. This would make my buddy's dive less than exciting, to be sure.
What else did we see? Craploads of pouting in evasive clouds, easily dispelled by a torch-beam. One or two nosy pollack. And a mermaid taking a dump.
PS this wreck is also known as the Clodmore.
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Jimbob, at 2:12 pm
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